After four years of decline, European gas demand is estimated to increase by 7% in 2015 with respect to last year according to the latest forecast from Eurogas, the gas association representing the European gas wholesale, retail and distribution sectors. The first half of 2015 saw a significant increase of approximately 9% in demand, compared with the same period in 2014. This estimate comes from their annual survey, covering approximately 87% of the EU gas market.
Seasonal conditions
Seasonal and annual weather conditions are the main causes behind this rise in demand. The previous two years have been unusually warm, while 2015 has been closer to an average year temperature-wise. Varied weather conditions in the first half of 2015 meant that consumers required more gas for heating compared to the same period last year.
A drop in hydropower
Another contributing factor to this increase came from a drop in hydropower production in Italy and Germany, with gas filling the energy supply gap. Eurogas commented, ‘This latest data underlines the opportunities and successes of gas to bolster the European energy system, as well as meet varying regional and local needs.’
Outlook for the remainder of 2015
Early indications from the Eurogas data suggest that gas demand in Europe for the remainder of 2015 is also likely to be higher than in the same period for 2014.
Gas flow measurement services and products are crucial to meet this growing demand. Exi Flow are helping to manage energy supplies across the globe, for more details call the team today on 01243 554920.