Flow Measurement

Flow measurement in food processing plants

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For the fast-paced food and beverage industry flow measurement plays an essential role. Worldwide demand on the industry is high and large volumes of liquids pass through food plants every day. Before reaching the shelves of supermarkets, food must reach the high standards set by the Food Standards Agency, which is responsible for food safety and hygiene across the UK.

Fresh News

UK Shale Industry Could Support 70,000 Jobs

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UK Energy Minister Michael Fallon has announced a new onshore licensing round will take place next year, which will see companies apply for oil and gas exploration licenses in the UK. The new licensing round, the first to take place since the American shale gas boom in 2009, is expected to step up Britain’s shale gas programme and provide a further boost to the UK shale gas industry.

Fresh News

Flow Computer Manufacturer: The SFC3000 Flow Computer

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Flow computers have long been used within the oil and gas industry, throughout extraction and custody transfer processes and are a proven means to effectively monitoring the world’s energy resources. Since Ex~i Flow Measurement was founded in 2007 the team focused on creating products to contribute to the conservation of energy resources. In less than two years the SFC3000 Flow Computer went from concept to finished design.

Fresh News

Shale Gas Lower Carbon than Imports

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UK shale gas would be lower carbon than imported gas chief government climate change advisers announced last week. The announcement revealed shale gas extracted from the UK would be a lower carbon form of fuel than fuel imported from thousands of miles away, from places such as Qatar. In a new report from the Committee of Climate Change (CCC) shale gas is named as a part of the UK energy mix. Although not a key part it says shale gas should be used as a viable substitute for imported gas to meet the heating demands, and also as a back up for intermittent renewable technologies including wind power.

Fresh News

Measuring the Chemical Industry

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As one of the most important markets in the world, the chemical industry plays a central part in the production of a variety of products. It is a vital part of the world’s economy and energy markets, converting a range of raw materials such as oil and natural gas. There are a variety of processes throughout the chemical industry – across both basic chemicals such as oil and gas, and consumer chemicals such as washing up liquid –all of which experience rigorous stages of testing and measuring.

Fresh News

Bespoke Engineering Solutions for the Oil and Gas Industry

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Flow measurement is a critical component to the oil and gas industry. Mounting pressure to preserve oil and gas supply levels around the world is an added strain on the industry to continue improving quality control and metering. Numerous processes make up the oil and gas industry including off and onshore exploration, production, gas processing, transportation and storage. With each process differing from company to company it’s impossible to create a one-size fits all engineering solution for these processes.

Fresh News

Flowmeter Market Bouncing Back

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As recovery from the global recession rumbles on, the flowmeter market continues to show promising signs of recovery for 2013. Throughout 2011 and 2012 business was driven by demand within the power, mining, and oil and gas industries, and is demand is expected to continue growing at a speedy rate throughout 2013 with an increase in business in the chemical and energy sectors.

Fresh News

Nuclear Power will be a Key Component in Climate Change

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Nuclear power is set to stay, for now. Announcing the UK’s nuclear energy strategy, the Government’s chief science advisor, John Beddington, revealed that nuclear energy will remain a key component in the UK energy sector. It is expected that nuclear will play a significant part in reaching the climate change targets and provide resilience in the power sector, presenting economic opportunities for the UK market.

Fresh News

Developing Flow Computer Software

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Throughout the energy industry flow computers are used to monitor and control resource levels. The world-wide energy crisis means close control must be kept over energy sources and demand on flow measurement systems is often high. Accuracy and reliability are key to ensuring they are reserved as much as possible. Used across the industry flow computers have to deal with variety of substances, and so software must be able to cover a range of density calculations including natural gas, steam, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and ethylene.

Fresh News

Measuring Renewable Energy

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From using the wind and sun through to turning rubbish into electricity, renewable energy of all types is a key focus for energy ministers. Tough targets have been set throughout the renewable energy sector in an effort to reduce carbon emissions by 2020. With high targets to reach close monitoring throughout the renewable energy process is crucial, which is where flow measurement comes in.