Flow Measurement

The versatility of the flow computer

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The versatility of the flow computer

The SFC3000 flow computer was conceived to specifically meet the needs of the global liquid hydrocarbon and gas measurement markets. The vision for the SFC3000 was that it would make a positive contribution to the management and conservation of the world’s dwindling energy resources by providing versatile and accurate flow measurement. The SFC3000 has always […]

Flow Measurement

An essential guide to hydrogen flow measurement

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As companies and national leaders look for ways to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2050, hydrogen is considered a viable alternative. Hydrogen can be produced using natural gas and carbon capture technology. Alternatively, renewable energy sources can produce electricity that powers water electrolysers. Both blue and green hydrogen could be considered to be better for […]

Flow Measurement

Flow Measurement in Industry

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Flow measurement is essential to many industries. The monitoring of the rate of flow of air, gas, and water provides exact information to specialists who manage the efficiency and effectiveness of processes. It also helps in the detection of significant issues within a more extensive system. Liquid flow measurement can also provide data on the […]

Flow Measurement

What is the problem with palm oil in biofuel?

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Palm oil has long been used to produce biodiesel as an alternative to fossil fuels but this supposedly environmentally friendly alternative has become problematic in recent years. Not only is it proving to not be as good for the planet as previously believed, the farming of it has seriously affected indigenous people in the areas […]

Flow Computer

New Discoveries and New Wells in Old Fields Breathing New Life into the North Sea

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As oil prices begin to rise and exploration of the North Sea yields promising results, investment is returning to the area, in particular, with two large projects from energy big hitters BP and Centrica. These firms are injecting new life into this area by drilling new wells in mature fields and exploring new fields. Although there are environmental concerns about greatly increasing production from this area, this increased investment is predicted to be just the start in a return to interest in the North Sea.

Flow Computer

Is Biofuel Set to Fly High?

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Aviation produces 2% of the world’s human-induced carbon dioxide emissions and the demand for air travel is predicted to double over the next 20 years. As such, the industry is desperately looking for new ways to reduce their emissions, along with the energy generating industry itself, and this has spurred an interest in biomass-derived jet fuels. Although many different plant materials can be used to produce this fuel, researchers at the University of Illinois are working on engineering sugarcane to make it a high yielding, resilient crop ideal for producing far more energy than it takes to make.

Flow Computer

Eight Energy Firms Commit to Tackling Methane Emissions

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Natural gas usage around the world is still on the rise for a number of reasons but a main one being it is better for the environment than other fossil fuels. Countries such as China are increasingly using it to power long distance trucking and countries like Ireland are considering using it to improve their energy security. However, as the main component of natural gas is methane, a major greenhouse gas, the accidental but inevitable emissions of this gas during the production, processing and distribution of natural gas constitute a significant threat to the environment. That is why energy companies BP, Eni, ExxonMobil, Repsol, Shell, Statoil, Total and Wintershall are committing to reducing emission in every part of their operations.